Infection Prevention

KiteLock 4% is an Antimicrobial

Bloodstream infections occur in patients with central venous catheters. KiteLock 4% has shown to decrease infection by over 70% [6]  In the US, there are an estimated 250,000 CLABSIs, 33,000 associated deaths and billions of dollars in healthcare expenditures per year[7]

Occlusion Management

KiteLock 4% is an Anticoagulant

A study of outcomes in 50,000 patients undergoing home infusion demonstrated that occlusions lead to therapy interruption caused by loss of patency (43%), device replacement (29%), device removal (14%), emergency room visits (9%), and unscheduled hospital visits (6%) [8]

Reduces occlusions up to 70%, catheter line replacement by 13%, which translates into considerable cost savings [9]

Biofilm Eradication

KiteLock 4% is Antibiofilm

The only non-antibiotic, antimicrobial solution with the capability to eradicate biofilm of all relevant bacterial strains and yeast including superbugs. (eg. MRSA, etc.). KiteLock 4% solution was effective at eradicating surface-attached biofilms from Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and fungal species, to prevent biofilm growth within CVADs and to eliminate established biofilms. [10]

Safe for Children

Results demonstrate a significant decrease in CLABSI (100 %; p = 0.002) with KiteLock 4% in addition to a reduction (50%, p = 0.018) in catheter occlusions. Our preliminary findings suggest KiteLock is safe and effective in reducing CLABSI and catheter occlusions in pediatric patients with long-term central access requirements. [11]

Approved for use in children

Canada July 2019
Europe Feb 2020
Australia Feb 2020






Understanding the role of biofilm in vascular access

Biofilms, or colonies of bacteria growing on surfaces inside and outside of the body, have been around for billions of years and are everywhere.

Within twelve minutes of bacterial colonization, biofilm is produced. Within 24 hours, the interior of a central venous access device can be covered with biofilm. Biofilms are responsible for 80% of central line infections [12] 

The dissemination of biofilm bacteria, particularly in clump formation, can also cause metastasizing infections including encephalitis, endocarditis, abscesses, etc.

Antimicrobial Resistance

Eighty years ago medicine was transformed by the development of antibiotics. They made deadly bacterial diseases that once killed millions effectively treatable and made other medical advances, like chemotherapy and organ transplants, possible. But bacteria are now pulling ahead in the game of survival of the fittest. We are entering a post-antibiotic era where we will be at risk from a simple infection because our antibiotics no longer work.

What is Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)?

Antibiotic Resistance (AMR) happens when germs, like bacteria and fungi, develop the ability to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat. Antibiotic resistance does not mean the body is becoming resistant to antibiotics; it is that bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotics designed to kill them. These are also referred to as Superbugs.

How is SterileCare aligning to non-antibiotic antimicrobial resistance?

Non-antibiotic antimicrobial: by using KiteLock 4% infections are prevented and therefore the use of antibiotics is avoided


Lots of germs, few are drug resistant.


Antibiotics kill bacteria causing the illness as well as good bacteria protecting the body from infection.


The drug-resistant bacteria are now allowed to grow and take over.


Some bacteria give drug-resistance to other bacteria causing more problems

Global Impact


Each year 18,000 Canadian acquire drug resistant infections in hospitals.

United States

1.2 trillion USD additional health expenditure per year expected by 2050 due to the rise of antimicrobial resistance


In hospitals, around 23% of antimicrobial prescriptions were considered inappropriate


Over half of antibiotics in many countries are administered inappropriately.


With superbug resistant to world’s last-resort antibiotic recently found in China, the day when common illnesses and routine surgery become life threatening, and organ transplants impossible, draws ever closer


AMR infections are estimated to cause 700,000 deaths each year globally. That figure is predicted to rise to 10 million, by 2050 if no action is taken

AMR is a slower-moving pandemic than COVID-19, but one that is worsening every day.[13]


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